Monday, September 6, 2010

14 Weeks...

So a week into my second trimester and things are so much better. The nausea is hit or miss which is a great relief. I still feel pretty tired but I can handle that...I just take a nap when I can. My appetite is back which scares me somewhat because I don't wanna gain too much weight. There is barely room in my belly for a baby...don't need any extra pounds crowding things. Oh well...I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible but since I've been so sleepy it keeps me from wanting to cook much. Hoping that will get better before I get too big to stand at the stove. ;)

Not much else going on these days except that we are definitely enjoying some cooler weather. I like to get outside with Kyle and Brady and actually be able to breathe. School is in full swing for me as well. This nutrition class will hopefully keep me aware of what I'm eating and help me make better decisions while I'm pregnant. So far I have enjoyed it very much.

I cannot wait to feel some consistent movement from baby. I laid on my back the other day and purposely tried to feel something...anything...that I didn't think was gas. After pressing on my belly for a while I know I felt a flutter. It was such a nice feeling to know that my tiny little person in there is doing okay. He or she has been doing a lot of growing this past week. It is so unreal all that goes on in there...check out what says baby has been up to. My little counter on the right of the page says baby is 4" long and weighs about 2 1/2 either way there has been some growing going on in there. :)

How your baby's growing:

This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.

In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.

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